Each company has a digital journey project that is done in different rhythms and knowledge of how to apply the ideal tools and projects for interaction with the public and growth of the company.
This interaction can be done through various channels, simultaneous or not, such as through WhatsApp, sending and reading e-mails, interaction on social networks, visits to websites and blogs, applications, streaming platforms, and more.
In each of these channels there will be a different search among the public, with more frequent interests and interactions in some and less in others, but it is essential that the company knows how to map, organize and define the ideal projects for a successful digital transformation.
In this text, Monitora helps you understand what the digital journey project is, projects, the importance of the journey, and how to apply it successfully in your company. Check it out!
What is the digital journey?
The digital journey is the customer’s experience in contact with your company through digital channels, which they access based on their interest in taking some action. This action can be just a research visit, the search for answers, purchases or solutions to problems that your company can deliver.
In other words, the digital journey project can be done through digital channels such as email, WhatsApp, SMS, social networks, RCS, Chatbot and other means that allow interaction with your organization and the solutions they have.
In this way, it can be understood that the digital journey is basically a process about the paths to change in the company, in which it is possible for any place to adapt to overcome the obstacles in the process and obtain good results.
Companies with digital journey projects can go through a simple or more complicated process, since there is an impact with technologies that change traditional work processes and consequently influence consumer behavior.
However, executing the digital journey is no longer an option in the market, the company needs to seek ways to apply successful projects to keep up with technological advances to continue growing.
It is possible to cite as an example of companies that have not remained active in the market for not entering the digital journey Kodak, a photography company that could not keep up with the advances of digital cameras and smartphones. Another example is Blockbuster, which fell due to the streamings platforms.
However, it is worth mentioning companies that are in digital, such as Uber and Airbnb, which are leaders in their markets and follow innovative projects to continue growing.
What is project?
A project can be understood as an outline for the creation of a product, service, software, or other tool with a single objective. Thus, for a project to exist, it is necessary to have goals, deadlines, people responsible for it, skills and resources for the actions to be defined and applied.
A project can also be a set of activities that has the objective of meeting the development needs of a product or service, to be carried out routinely or not, within a pre-established timeframe and cost in project management.
Digitalization of companies
Digitalization is converting information to digital, which although it is not a new concept, is based on bringing the digital to companies, modernizing and facilitating the activities performed, and even though many think it is only taking the execution of functions from “paper”, it is much more than that.
It is possible to understand digitalization as a different way of working and having access to information that contributes and facilitates the employee’s work in different ways, and many processes require abandoning paper for digital tools and documents.
Importance of digitization in businesses
Digitization is very important for companies, regardless of their size. It is possible to take advantage of the digital transformation and be in constant growth in the market due to the benefits it provides.
Check out some of the benefits of digitization in business below:
Improves products and services
Investing in digitalization in companies allows an improvement of products and services on a large scale, since new technologies provide higher quality to customers, who will perceive and directly receive these improvements from your company in a positive way.
In addition, these investments in digital journey projects offer new and greater business opportunities, entering the market with greater preparation to win and retain new customers, complementing the products you already offered.
Optimize processes
How is the execution of tasks in your company? Are they still the same procedures as they were 10 years ago? It is necessary to accompany the technological transformation in all the company’s processes according to the market.
That is, with digitalization you can provide practicality and agility in operations, and add more value in products and services for your customers. In other words, the company’s digitalization makes it possible to introduce resources tailored to your company’s needs, and to leave the heavy lifting to software and machines.
Involves customers
Digitalization also contributes to the company’s relationship with its customers, as it will offer more interesting tools for them. This is a strategy used to maintain the public’s interest in the company’s product or service, as well as keeping a greater distance from competitors in the market.
This involvement can be accomplished through interactive customer service tools, for example, some real-time chat software so that your customer can find a solution immediately, avoiding waiting time on the phone or e-mail.
Stay competitive
Markets are constantly changing, so companies need to keep up with these changes in order not to lose market share. If the digital journey project is not yet a reality in your company, it is essential that you start applying it, so that your company can remain competitive and active in the market it serves.
This adaptation to the market is fundamental for any company, whether large or small, and even if it is not necessary to make large investments like your immediate competitor, it is essential to begin to digitize your company to maintain competitiveness and improve results.
How a project influences the digital journey
The digital journey generates many expectations for companies in relation to results, and not achieving these immediately can be a frustration for the management of the company that is committed to applying the journey.
However, the digital journey is effective when a well-structured and consolidated project is developed, which analyzes all the possibilities, tests, and studies the paths, resources and tools, in order to guarantee the achievement of goals.
A project can influence your digital journey by enabling
- Greater brand authority in the market;
- Reduction of costs to win new customers
- Influence on customer retention;
- Increases the amount of customers that advertise the company;
- Larger lead base;
- Higher sales rate, and much more.
For these and other good results to be achieved, other steps must be taken. For example:
- An updated website;
- Attractive content;
- Application of techniques, such as SEO;
- Relationship and interaction with the public;
- Quality products and services, etc.
In other words, a good production of digital content ensures that the customer comes to you and performs an action that your company wants, such as buying the product or service.
Importance of the digital journey in your company
The digital journey goes through various stages and factors, so it is important that the company knows the importance of this in order to achieve good results.
In this way, the digital journey will allow the company to have
- Greater convenience, since operations automated by software or other technological tools increase the ease of performing tasks.
- Greater agility, that is, the employee can perform activities with greater agility, since there are operations that are no longer slow and become more efficient.
- Greater productivity, because by digitalizing the company, the machines or software can perform the activities more quickly. This productivity is also very noticeable in the employees, since there was a facilitation of the process and other factors that also contribute to this productivity.
- Greater engagement of the teams, because technology allows teams to relate to each other more frequently, which contributes to the development of ideas and solutions for the company.
- Greater customer attraction, because it is possible to develop more efficient strategies in the journey and that will have a direct impact on the relationship with the target audience, and consequently, greater loyalty, since the company has great differentials that the competition may not have, and according to the quality of the product or service, the loyalty will be easier for management.
- Greater creativity and innovation, because technological resources help in the development of creative ideas to be applied using the resources of the digital journey.
The digital journey project is essential for any company that wants to grow and remain competitive, since it makes it possible to implement the best strategies for attraction and retention in the market.
How can the digital journey help businesses?
Digital journey projects require the application of customized strategies to achieve the desired quality results.
It is therefore essential that the company follows certain steps to ensure that its business is moving in the right direction and considering trends to evolve in the market:
Invest in technology
The main point of the digital journey is the investment in technology and the commitment to apply it. That is, as technology grows, it is important that the company keeps up with the flow and updates the tools and software, thus facilitating market adaptations and improving results.
Encourage collaboration
Applying the digital journey project in a small company is not only about working with more sophisticated and complete resources, but it is also necessary to enable teams to work together, collaborating for success.
Integrate your IT assets
For an effective digital transformation, it is necessary to integrate the different systems to increase productivity and opportunities for products and services. In other words, it is essential that the company seeks to integrate the equipment and software through the possibilities available.
Succeed in your digital journey project
To achieve success in the digital journey project, it is important to follow the tips below on how to implement the digital journey in your business, so you can achieve the digital transformation efficiently and achieve the desired results:
Do good planning
Planning is the first step for any company, regardless of the strategy that has been defined. This is because it is through planning that the company will be able to make an analysis of the projects, if it will be possible to apply them, if there will be sufficient resources, the time for organization and application, and a goal to obtain the results that have been defined for the digital journey project.
Define the company’s objectives
Another essential point is to define the objectives of the company with this digital journey, and what they expect from these applications. Defining the objectives helps to identify the best tools for applying and implementing the plans to achieve good results.
Create a digital journey map
It is very important for the company to map out the digital journey project, according to the segment and size of the organization, since this is one of the fundamental steps in its application.
This mapping phase can be before or after planning and defining the objectives to be achieved, but it is essential that the company maps out the journey, so that it can develop effectively.
Modernize your tools
As the journey becomes efficient, new customer behaviors emerge, as well as opportunities for revenue streams and more. So it is essential that the company is modernized and removes everything that does not make sense within this digital journey project.
Thus, systems such as CRM, ERPs, and Bis can be applied to different ways of using and updating resources.
It may be that the organization tries to align the old with the new, but it can become complicated to reconcile, since the approaches must be adapted to the extent of the interaction of the public, so the most practical is modernization, because in the medium or long term, the efficiency of the investment will be noticeable.
Define customer phases
Every company that wishes to have constant growth needs to know well the target audience that offers the product or service, so it can offer the ideal solution that the customer is looking for.
This way, it is important to consider in digital transformations the profile and phase of the customer, because by defining this, the business can approach this audience and direct them in a strategic way to the solutions, retaining them, and thus reaching the goals that have been set.
Use data to make strategic decisions
The use of data is fundamental to help the company’s strategic decisions, especially considering the digital sector.
Everything you search on the internet leaves traces, and these traces become very important data for technology professionals and strategy and customer relationship sectors, because it is possible to understand the needs of the public and what is missing in the company’s digital journey, and then use this information in favor of the institution and apply the ideal strategies.
There is no magic formula
It is common to search for “magic formulas” to have a successful digital transformation, but there are only relevant experiences that can be used to understand the audience and add this as a differential in your company.
In other words, understand your audience, do the planning, determine the digital journey you want, and apply the necessary strategies to achieve the result you seek with the audience and with the transformations that are made in your company, so you can attract and retain new customers with a close and quality relationship, and deliver them the best solutions on the market.
Main challenges of the digital journey in your company
Although the digital journey project is essential for companies in the market they operate, the process of transformation and implementation of strategies is not simple, besides having several challenges in the journey.
An example of these challenges is the lack of qualified and trained professionals to accompany the technological transformations that the company will undergo, since adapting to new tools is not simple for all employees in the workplace. Besides that, managers also need to understand and adapt to the changes, which can complicate and delay a bit the advancement of the journey.
Another point that can be a challenge for the business is that the digital journey project produces large volumes of data. So it is necessary to invest in the security of this information, which can be done through a third party that specializes in software development, or even by applying software that will help the company in this process.
Finally, another challenge that can arise during the execution of this journey is the resistance of some areas to be updated within the market, which can cause some level of difficulty for companies that are constantly advancing and modernizing, but it is possible to adapt and remain in growth.
Count on Monitora to prepare your digital journey project
Monitora is a Brazilian digital solutions company, with international operations, specialized in designing and supporting digital evolutions in processes, agile methodologies, tools and software development for companies.
Monitora has already served several clients, from various segments and of different sizes, so we can certainly help your business with the digital journey project.
Visit our website and learn about Monitora’s solutions and how to efficiently help your company’s digital transformation.
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