Implementação de testes automatizados no desenvolvimento de Software

Automated Testing Implementation in Software Development

The technology has provided a much higher volume of production for companies and industries worldwide. This is precisely achieved through software implementation. However, it’s not enough to simply implement a program; it must be of high quality and function for its intended purpose. In this sense, automated testing is an important tool.

Those who work with software development know that this process involves a series of technical details that need to be followed. However, no human is a flawless machine, so it’s common to encounter software that reaches the implementation phase with errors and flaws.

In the past, software testing during implementation was a very old practice, but it was largely done manually. As a result, the development time of a program could be very long, which hampers companies that need immediate results.

Recognizing the time lost in this process, automated testing began to emerge. The original idea was precisely to invest in technology that could predict scenarios, assist in program implementation, and avoid wasting time on future repairs.

Currently, a significant number of companies that set out to create their own program also use automated testing. As a result, we can already access the results of this method, and they are excellent! Overall, it’s possible to increase the precision of a program and guarantee faster results.

In the end, what are automated tests?

So far, we have seen that automated tests fulfill the function of delivering software that is more precise and of higher quality. But what exactly can we define as an automated test?

Well, in short, we can describe these tests as programs built with the intention of testing software under development. To achieve this, the actions that the software intends to perform are simulated, precisely to ensure that they work well and within the established parameters.

Most of the time, the test can identify a series of flaws, bugs, and inconsistencies in the software under development. However, this should not be seen as a bad thing; quite the opposite!

This is because identifying flaws during the development stage is much better than finding errors when the program should already be in use. After all, this way, it will be possible to avoid having to take the program offline to redo a significant part of the process.

Furthermore, from a market perspective, it is easy to understand how this can lead to a significant loss of invested money. Therefore, automated testing is an essential way to ensure the performance of software under development and provide greater confidence in its use.

It is no coincidence that these programs are already widely accepted by large companies worldwide, delivering impressive results in accuracy. What certainly attracts is the possibility of guaranteeing quality, but there are many other positive aspects that encourage the use of automated tests.

Why use automated tests? The main benefits of implementation

Indeed, there is an alternative to automated tests, which are the ones that existed before automation. It is a slow and time-consuming examination that requires human attention. In other words, it is the same testing process but done manually by a professional who can execute the software and observe it carefully.

In a way, manual tests may appear to offer a more cautious observation from someone who understands programming languages. However, in practice, we know that there are various flaws in human work, starting with the fact that humans are not infallible.

In contrast, automated tests work by reducing the chances of errors and bugs in software under development. This is because these new programs are subject to such extensive observation that they can surpass human capabilities. As a result, automated tests offer several benefits that are quite compelling.

Firstly, as we have already mentioned, it provides greater credibility as it ensures comprehensive testing. Additionally, we can also mention how automated tests are much faster compared to manual tests.

Once again, focusing on market demands, indeed means a lower loss of investment. After all, in a short time, it will be possible to implement the software with minimal chances of encountering errors that would require the software to return to the preparation phase.

The types of automated tests that exist

When searching for automated tests, you will certainly find several options available in the market. Therefore, it’s common for people to wonder which one to use, or more frequently, which one is the best? Well, this question doesn’t have an exact answer, as each test has its own purpose.

Does your company need Digital Transformation?

Thus, the recommendation is to understand the types of automated tests available and also to know the purpose of the software in production. This will ensure that you can choose one according to your company’s needs and avoid disappointments.

Below, you will find a little more about each of the types of automated tests, which will give you greater confidence in choosing the right software. Check out the following types:

Security Tests

One of the major dilemmas concerning the use of technology nowadays is related to data exposure on networks. That’s why companies increasingly prioritize the development of software that can offer security for their organizational work interfaces.

This is because a simple software error can lead to significant economic losses. On the other hand, we can rely on the assurance of quality provided by precise automation tests in the security area.

In this case, the focus will be on finding possible bugs and vulnerabilities that make the software an easy target for cyberattacks. This type of test is excellent for those who are developing software that will handle databases or important information. It will certainly prevent many headaches in the future!

Feature Tests

Another type of test you will find in the market is Feature Tests, which are essential for those looking to develop excellent software. This test verifies how well your software functions according to its intended purpose.

The program will scan all the functions of the software to verify each one. For example, it will check if buttons are working correctly, if clicks lead to the correct locations, and it will also examine form filling or spreadsheet automation, among other things.

Having software that functions correctly as intended in your company’s daily operations will significantly improve the quality of service provided to customers. Therefore, using Feature Tests can make all the difference!

Performance Tests

Lastly, we have performance tests, which focus on a very specific aspect of your software – how well it responds. After all, there’s nothing worse than relying on a program that can’t handle high demands, is slow and has a long response time.

Therefore, having Performance Tests is essential to assess how well your software can handle demands. It will focus more on the back-end response time, such as after inputting data or accessing a customer’s information.

If we rely on software to streamline a significant part of our work, it’s important to ensure they fulfill that function. For this reason, all tests, especially performance tests, can find ways to optimize the program, resulting in efficiency for the company.

When to implement the tests?

Another common question concerns when to start using automated tests. Many believe that the right time for implementation is after the software is completed.

However, this is not a strict rule and can present some execution issues. By using tests during the software development, you ensure that each error is corrected in its stage, making the entire process much faster. Therefore, it’s essential to perform tests at each completed stage.

Count on Monitora!

Automated testing can provide more security when implementing software for your company. It ensures that an organization can truly achieve its goals through technology. Therefore, it is crucial not to skip this step and to provide more agility in the organization’s daily operations.

That’s why Monitora not only helps create software with clients and partner companies but also conducts testing for them. We choose to use automated tests for all the reasons mentioned in this article.

This ensures satisfaction in delivering software, with less room for errors and greater assurance of quality.

Contact our specialists, and let’s see how we can improve your business!

*Text automatically translated from Portuguese to English. 

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