Cloud Computing Models Learn About Them

Cloud Computing models: learn about them

Today, in the scenario that the labor market finds itself in and with the daily changes that arise in it, the one who can handle and exploit the advantages and tools that technology and data science can offer in the best possible way stands out and thrives. Data is one of the most important things in the digital world. So if you’re looking to access your company’s or your customers’ data and resources anywhere, anytime, check out this article on cloud computing models. 

Many people and experts believe that cloud computing is the future and that in a few years time people will no longer need to buy computers, either at home or in companies, because they will hire these services to meet all their needs, much more quickly and effectively. 

And this “future” is getting closer and closer, since many companies are already using these services and they are proving to be increasingly present and effective in the labor market, because they meet all the demands that a company needs. 

If you have a company, it is very important to seek information about this type of service, because you can obtain several benefits through it, both for you and for your company and customers. Therefore, continue reading this article and check out what is cloud computing, how it works, its main models and benefits. 

What is cloud computing? 

Cloud computing refers to the on-demand availability of computer system resources, such as data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user. So instead of using software or hardware, you use this technology, which is characterized as a remote database that you can access whenever and wherever you want. 

This type of service can be free or paid for through subscriptions, it will depend on your demand. In addition, these clouds can have several other functions distributed in various locations on central servers, as well as various models. Thus meeting the demand of the majority of the users who use it. 

The data storage that is done by this service can be accessed from anywhere in the world, at any time, on any device, with no need to install programs or store data. All that is needed to access the data is an Internet connection. Through them people still save the memory of their devices. 

How to migrate to cloud computing and what are the models?

Migrating to the cloud brings many benefits to both large and small companies, so it becomes an indispensable strategy to gain competitive advantages in today’s job market. 

If you have a business or work in one and want to migrate to the cloud service, follow this step by step: 

Step one: first of all, you need to define very well your goals and objectives, which you want to achieve with this service for your company. 

Second step: choose a good platform, because with a better platform, better rated and more useful, it will be easier to achieve what you want. It is extremely necessary that you take into consideration the features and security it offers. 

Step three: plan ahead, because the process of implementing cloud computing requires in-house management skills. Because of this, if the migration to the cloud is not well planned and executed, it will result in mistakes. 

Fourth step: have security backups, there is always a chance of something going wrong, so it is important to always prevent yourself from losing important data. 

Fifth step: choose to hire a qualified company, because this will reduce the chances of something going wrong. Furthermore, the process will be simpler because they are specialized and qualified professionals. 

Sixth step: do tests before using it, this step is fundamental. These tests will serve to ensure security and not leak the data before migrating completely, creating a controlled environment to verify the system and the protection of the service before. 

Follow this step by step and make this process even more practical and secure for your company. 

What cloud computing models are available? 

When talking about cloud computing, you need to know that there are three main models, with each format having its own characteristics and applications. They indicate the service model that is provided in the cloud, they are: 

SaaS is one of the cloud computing models

It is an acronym for Software as a Service, which we can cite as examples of this model, Google Drive and Salesforce. This is a model where you install the software on your server, but you only pay for what you use of it, that is, you only pay for what is useful for you. There is a difference when compared to traditional software. 

Most of the time, the payment for this service is made in the form of a subscription, that is, there is a recurring sale, because the client pays to use it in a certain period and if he wants to renew he has to pay again. 

The main advantages brought by this model are: security, as this model is known to be safer than traditional software because it is constantly updated; being able to work wherever you are, as all you need to access it is an internet connection; greater accessibility, no need to keep updating, etc. 


This model of infrastructure as a service is the most adopted by companies, because instead of installing their own server, the company hires this service, using, for example, the Amazon AWS service. Most of the time the prices are very affordable, which is why companies end up opting for this model. 

The main advantages of this model are: the reduction in the maintenance of local data centers, savings in hardware costs, and it also allows acquiring business information in real time. In addition to being a more practical way because the person does not bear the cost and complexity of buying and managing servers. 

PaaS is one of the cloud computing models

This model, Platform as a Service, is the least popular. It is a service where you can customize and configure it in a much simpler and easier way. This model is for those who want something specific to this service, because this, SaaS will not be as effective, which ends up making people opt for this one. In this model you can leave this platform with the face you want. 

PaaS allows you to avoid the expense and complexity of buying and managing software licenses as in other models, and allows you to have a complete deployment in the cloud, where you can access from simple cloud-based applications to sophisticated applications. 

Key advantages of this model include: reduced coding time, no staffing, more affordable use of sophisticated tools, easier cross-platform development, efficient application lifecycle management. 

Cloud Computing Deployment Models

Once you have chosen the model that best fits what you want for your company, there are three main models for deploying it. 

Just like the models mentioned above, the way you choose to deploy it is also very important, as each one has its own type of configuration, benefits, and requirements. Let’s talk about each of them.

Does your company need Digital Transformation?

Private Cloud 

A private cloud is a provision of computing services for access by a single organization or company, where only they can access, manage and secure it, via the Internet or a private internal network. 

Implementing a private cloud will bring many advantages such as self-service and scalability. In addition, you will have greater control and customization of the services you consume within that cloud of yours. In other words, you will also have greater privacy and security. 

However, this implementation model also has disadvantages. For, private clouds end up being slower to deploy and carry the same costs that a traditional data center property has.

Public cloud

The public cloud, on the other hand, is a provision of computing services over a public Internet by a third-party provider. Public cloud services are available to anyone who wants to use them and can be free or paid, depending on how you want to use them. 

This model primarily eliminates the high upfront costs, management and maintenance of on-site hardware and software infrastructure. It also offers rapid deployment and almost infinite scalability thanks to the sheer size of public cloud technology providers.

Hybrid cloud 

Hybrid cloud is a computing service delivery where there is a combination of public and private cloud deployment. This type of mixed deployment allows both data and applications to be shared between the two cloud computing environments.

Because in this model there is a junction of the previous two, there is the possibility of having the security and privacy of a private network, along with fast deployment and infinite stability because of the large technology providers that exist in the public cloud. In addition, this network also allows you to scale and meet short-term spikes in resource demand without the need for long-term investment.

Examples of Cloud Computing 

Several large companies that you probably know have opted for this new technology of migrating their data to the cloud in order to obtain benefits and continue to attract more customers because of its quality. Here are some existing examples of companies that have migrated to cloud computing: 


Google is one of the main platforms that use this service, as it stores your data while you search for something on the internet and is able to upload it through the cloud. In addition, Google also has its own cloud computing service, which is widely used nowadays, for free. 


As Uber’s app had a very large growth in a short time, their demand ended up growing a lot, so they opted for the cloud service to do the data storage and be able to meet the demand of their customers in the best way. 


Due to its large audience and large demands to meet, Spotify was also another application that chose to migrate their data to the cloud service. With this the company saved a good deal of money, since it spent a lot on this service before migrating to the cloud.


A while ago, Netflix also made this migration, in order to obtain benefits such as fast viewing of content available by the application, with its very high demand opted to migrate all their data to maintain the quality of its services to its customers. 

Key Advantages of Moving to the Cloud 

After informing yourself about these three main modalities of the cloud, you should already imagine that migrating to a service like this can bring several benefits to your company. It is a super current service that can meet most of the demands of your customers who seek this type of platform. The advantages after acquiring this service are visible, and among them are: 

A much greater ease of sharing data 

Your data is saved in the service and only you have access to it, but if you want to share some with members of the company or with your clients, you can do it in a much more practical, fast and secure way. 

Decreased infrastructure overload

With cloud computing this problem is solved simply and quickly because it is scalable. The company can choose to hire new resources according to their demand and as needed, without hindering their growth.

Quality of user access

It is a service that guarantees quality in everything it offers, so whenever you access it, on any device or anywhere the quality will be the same. And, in case you have an access peak, this service automatically scales in the cloud. 

Being able to access it from anywhere 

The moment you need to access your data or information saved in the cloud, all you need is a device that is connected to the Internet, so being anywhere in the world and on any device, such as a mobile device, will be possible. And this access will still be fast and with plenty of quality. 

Time optimization

The practicality of this service increases the team’s productivity, which suffers less from access problems and system unavailability. Thus, they can perform more tasks during the day. 

No downtime 

A cloud environment is always available, as downtime can directly impact your business. In addition, when applications are not available, employees lose productivity and customers cannot access company services.

Service stability 

To always maintain stability in their service, cloud computing companies are always looking to make backups so that there is not a huge amount of data stored. 

Pay only for what you use 

In this service, you only pay for what you consume, so you don’t have to install an entire service where you have several applications that you never use and have to pay for. In it, you increase processing as you need it.

More agile decision making

For a company to be able to give accurate and quick answers to its customers or workers, it needs to have simple access to information. And like decision making, it also requires a process that is increasingly agile and accurate. Counting on this data that is always securely available is essential. 

Longer service life and lower cost 

Common servers usually have a very high cost, because of this, in most cases, with the price of a traditional server you can hire a cloud service for years and years, and can enjoy this service for longer and paying less.  

Importance of migrating to the cloud 

New technologies such as machines, artificial intelligence, the cloud, and several others have meant that there is now a constant culture of innovation in business, which has made old practices ineffective. Therefore, for a company to maintain its prominence in the job market, it must always keep within this culture and always try to improve its services in the best way. 

Companies that do not change their ways of working and maintain their old practices end up facing an urgent need to streamline their traditional business process to meet the needs of the modern consumer. For, increasingly, consumers are looking for something more practical and faster. 

Cloud computing is a great example of the use of remote servers on a network, and a very important service, both for new companies trying to grow in the market, and for old companies that want to innovate and meet the needs of today’s consumer. These servers are extremely efficient in today’s market because they provide features such as storage, processing, security, analysis, etc. In addition to maintaining the quality of the company’s services. 

All these technologies of today require heavy computing power, storage, and IT infrastructure. Cloud computing provides all these services based on the individual requirements of each enterprise in an affordable way. From this it is clear that the path to prominence and success for your company is getting closer and closer. 

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