How to choose an IT outsourcing company to develop software?

With the advancement of technology in virtually every market sector, companies seek at all costs to be updated in the digital environment. For this, many organizations have found hiring an IT outsourcing company an excellent alternative to keep in constant evolution in the digital transformation.

Whether due to high costs with infrastructure, specific machinery or salaries, it is not always possible to count on an internal team of professionals in the tech area. Therefore, opting for outsourced IT services can be not only a strategic advantage for your company, but also a more economical decision. Want to find out how to choose the right technology consulting firm? Follow this article. 

Does the IT outsourcing company have a mature software engineering process?

When it comes to hiring an IT outsourcing company, there are some points that should be observed among the available options. The first of these is the maturity of the conduction of activities involving software projects.

In this case, the term maturity refers to the teams’ capacity to repeat a series of results in a predictable way. This shows how the squads are organized to deliver the results initially proposed and can help your business launch a quality digital product into the market as soon as possible. 

One way to check the maturity of an IT consultancy is the CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration). This model created by the SEI (Software Engineering Institute) evaluates software processes through 5 levels that indicate the level of evolution that the company is in. Quality outsourced technology services are evaluated between levels 4 and 5.

Another methodology for assessing the maturity of software companies is the MPS-BR (Brazilian Software Process Improvement). In this case, the assessment goes from A to G, indicating different degrees in process control and the quality of IT consulting.

Is the company able to scale its projects quickly?

As the saying goes, “time is money”! And, in practice, we know that this is the purest reality. Therefore, another important point to consider when searching for an IT outsourcing company is the speed in scaling processes.

The greater the investment in agile teams and specialized hardware and software, the easier it is for the IT consultancy to get your project up and running quickly. This means that your platform or any other digital product can be available to users sooner than expected. As a result, the return on the investment made in digital enhancement also happens sooner, improving your company’s profitability.

Does the company work with dedicated employees or freelancers?

Companies are made of people. Even the most technological ones, like IT outsourcing companies. That’s why having a team of dedicated employees can be a great differentiator for IT consulting firms. 

The high demand for IT specialists in the market has made hiring these professionals a challenge. Therefore, outsourced technology services that rely on a team composed of qualified collaborators not only have the advantage of ensuring more agility in the progress of projects, but also guarantee more security to the customers served.

Does your company need Digital Transformation?

When searching for IT outsourcing company options, consider whether they invest in hiring, developing, and retaining their squads, or whether they opt for hiring freelancers. Even if indirectly, this can be decisive for the outcome of your project.

Does the team’s work time zone suit you?

Remote working has allowed people and companies to become increasingly global. This is because it is already common for professionals from abroad to work for national companies, or for Brazilian organizations to serve clients from other parts of the world.

However, if the team responsible for your project is in a different time zone from your company, this can generate some setbacks. Therefore, before making a final decision on hiring an IT outsourcing company, check the availability of the team that will perform the services provided to your business.

Thus, in case the time zone is different from yours, it is possible to program yourself and find better hours in the day to communicate with the company whenever necessary. 

Does the company have success stories and relevant clients?

If you are thinking about how to improve your company’s processes, opting for a specialized IT consulting firm is essential. Therefore, an excellent way to evaluate the quality of services of an IT outsourcing company is to observe who are the clients served by it and in which projects it participated. 

This history can show the company’s potential to meet your business demands that involve the production of customized software for your needs. One of the sector’s representatives, Monitora, has been conquering more and more clients worldwide and adding more success cases to its portfolio.

The company, which works with Squads as a Service, has its headquarters in São Carlos, one of the main innovation and technology centers in Latin America, and also has offices in London and Orlando, expanding the possibilities of serving international customers.

Among the organizations served by Monitora are Serasa Experian, a giant in the information services segment and holder of the largest database in Latin America, and Coopercitrus, one of the largest agricultural cooperatives in Brazil, among other big names. In all cases, the company works with the objective of making its clients more digitally competitive, generating more value through IT.

Choosing an IT outsourcing company that can meet the needs of your business is a task that must be done carefully. It is necessary to analyze the options available in the market well to ensure a hiring aligned with your expectations of success in the race for digital evolution.

Monitora has been building a success story, offering customized technology solutions for each type of company. Learn more about our services and find out how we can generate more results for your organization.

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