Como uma estratégia de TI pode ajudar a sua empresa a atingir os objetivos?

How can an IT strategy help your company achieve its goals?

Information Technology is already an indispensable part of the structure of all the segments and sizes of organizations. Among its various functions, the strategic IT is responsible for the reduction of costs and improvement of internal and external company processes.

For the organizations that aim growth and success, technology must occupy a prominent place with a view to reaching the established goals.

Do you want to know how the IT area can help your company to fulfill its strategic objectives? Check out our tips.

Business Process Management (BPM)

Counting on technology support, BPM (Business Process Management) has the function of managing business processes with flexibility and efficiency, in a way that it draws them nearer to the clients’ needs. Besides, it promotes a continuous improvement of the processes in order for the products and services of the company to add more value to themselves.

For the sake of achieving this objective of improvement on the processes, the BPM needs to be a practice that involves all the staff of the company. In this way, there is a connection between different sectors and the communication becomes clearer.

The BPM is divided into 5 steps: to model, implement, execute, monitor and optimize. Actually, these steps are simultaneous and complement each other. To make it clearer, the steps are:

  1. The first step to initiate a BPM inside a company is to gather data and get to know everything that is related to the processes very well, documenting all the information collected. By doing that, it is possible to detect failures and vulnerabilities of the processes; and having that as a starting point, to create improvement alternatives, simulate situations and plan the actions to be implemented.
  2. Now it is time to put into practice what has been initially studied and defined. Understanding the functioning of the processes well is essential to implement improvement actions.
  3. The third step is the execution of the process itself, which may be carried out in the same way it is done in the day-to-day work. It is the time to test which of the implemented amendments really work. Here, it is also possible to identify points to be improved. That is the reason why it is important to be watchful in relation to the entire execution.
  4. The monitoring of the process must be done during all the stages of the BPM, and one might be attentive to take notes of relevant facts and data for a subsequent evaluation. It is through the monitoring that the professional will be able to evaluate whether he/she reached the established goals and objectives, the impacts of the process to the company, among others.
  5. The last step is an inspection of everything that went right and wrong during the previous stages; therefore looking for an even greater optimization of the process.

The Bodytech academy, for example, presents a success case having adopted the BPM for the improvement of the processes.

Marketing and TI

Marketing and IT are two very different areas, however, both have a great power to leverage the growth of organizations.

Marketing is nowadays a fundamental piece for companies that look for success. It is the marketing, for example, that converts potential purchasers, known in this area as leads, into clients of a company.

Having the websites, blogs and social networks as main platforms, the marketing campaigns may have big benefits with the action of the IT sector.

For that reason, the first duty to be put into practice is to adjust the company’s objectives to both sectors. A clear and precise communication between both sectors is needed so that the two groups can be integrated with specific projects.

Creation of digital tools

One of the ways to contribute towards the marketing sector of a company is through the creation of online channels for sales, services, and relationship with clients.

Does your company need Digital Transformation?

That can be done with the creation of smartphone apps, which help the consumers in a simple and practical way, as well as improving their experience of interaction with the company.

A good example of this is the apps created by airports and airline companies in order to guide and lead travelers in various aspects.

Tools to reduce costs

The IT area can also be a great ally towards strategies for reduction of costs in an organization. Firstly, with an efficient management of the processes, it is already possible to observe a saving on resources and time.

Furthermore, other tools have great value in the reduction of spending, as the adoption of solutions to group work, having applications for the simultaneous edition of documents –such as corporative social networking and applications for web conferences. Get to know more about the type of tools used to reduce costs:

Corporative social networking

Having an internal web for communication among staff provides them with more security in the exchanging of information and is a motivational factor for the increase of productivity. As for the IT support of the company, that means more organization in relation to the customer services, and agility in the resolution of problems.

Simultaneous edition of documents

In order to avoid a double work from the group, the tools for the online edition of documents, in real time, is a simple, practical and cheap solution for organizations.

By doing that, each individual is able to accomplish his /her job without harming others’ duties, or even being harmed in your own duties. It also allows individuals to save time and avoid double work, making the process faster and more efficient.

The use of digital documents is also capable of reducing expenses significantly, through the printing of paper.

Web conferences

Having a good infrastructure for web conferences to happen is not only a great trend among companies worldwide but also an effective solution for saving resources and improving the interaction with the client. By using online video conferences, the costs of traveling and moving diminish, and the internal and external communication improve.

In order to be able to contextualize this piece of information, familiarize yourself with the RM Engenharia case, in which 50% of the traveling costs have been reduced in the first month, after the implantation of web conferences.

Strategic IT for success

The action field of IT professionals is expanding together with the evolution of technologies and its applications in business-related environments.

It is worth to highlight the importance of collaborative work among teams in different areas, as the marketing, so that efficiency improvements are implemented in the processes with the objective of achieving the strategic goals of the organization.

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