Mobile Development: Creating mobile applications for multiple platforms

Mobile Development: Creating mobile applications for multiple platforms

The mobile market is constantly growing, and more and more people are accessing the internet through their mobile devices. As a result, the demand for mobile applications is also increasing. However, developing mobile applications for multiple platforms can be challenging.

This is because developing a mobile application for a single platform is already a challenge, and when it comes to developing an application for multiple different platforms, the difficulty is even greater. In this article, we will cover everything related to the creation of mobile applications for multiple platforms, including Android, iOS, and Windows.

What are multi-platform mobile applications?

Multi-platform mobile applications are types of applications that can run on more than one mobile operating system platform, such as iOS, Android, and Windows. Therefore, when developing a multi-platform application, developers can create a single code that can be used across multiple platforms, instead of writing separate code for each platform.

What are the benefits of multi-platform mobile applications?

Developing a multi-platform mobile application can be highly advantageous for software developers for several reasons. But what are the benefits of having an application that works on multiple platforms? In this topic, we will explore the main benefits of a multi-platform mobile application and how it can positively impact your company or business.

Greater reach

One of the main benefits of a multi-platform mobile application is its wider reach. This is because users have different platform preferences, and developing an application for each platform can be time-consuming and expensive. However, when you develop a mobile application for multiple platforms, companies can reach a broader audience and potentially increase their business revenue. Additionally, with the growing popularity of mobile devices, businesses can benefit from increased brand visibility and awareness.


Another important benefit of a mobile application developed for multiple platforms is cost savings. Developing an application for each platform can be very expensive as it requires developers to learn different programming languages and development techniques. However, all of this changes because, with just one mobile application that works on different platforms, developers only need to create a single app that can run on all of them, saving time and money.

More efficient

Another advantage is that a multi-platform mobile application can offer greater efficiency. This is because developers can share code and resources across different platforms, allowing them to work more quickly and efficiently. This leads to faster app development, which can be beneficial for companies looking to launch an app in the market as quickly as possible.

Easier to maintain

Another benefit of a multi-platform mobile application is ease of maintenance. When an app is developed for multiple platforms, it is much easier to maintain and update the app as updates can be made on a single platform and then propagated to other platforms, without the need to create and update multiple different versions of the app.

More adaptable

Multi-platform mobile applications are also more flexible and adaptable to changes in the market and user preferences. Therefore, with the evolution of mobile technologies, developers can easily add new features and functionalities to an existing app, regardless of the platform on which the app is running.

What are the major challenges of developing multi-platform mobile applications?

Developing a mobile application for multiple platforms can offer numerous benefits, but it can also be a challenging task. Creating multi-platform mobile apps is constantly evolving, and developers need to stay updated with changes in platforms and frameworks, as well as new tools and techniques available.


One of the biggest concerns in creating multi-platform mobile applications is ensuring that the app functions consistently across all platforms, taking into account differences in hardware, software, and user experience on each platform. This can be challenging as each platform has its own programming language and set of tools, which can make the entire process more difficult.

Consistent performance

Additionally, ensuring consistent performance of the app across all platforms is one of the major difficulties. This is because communication between native and non-native components of the devices can be inconsistent, resulting in performance glitches. To avoid such inconsistencies, developers need to have a deep understanding of syntax configurations and parameters when defining functions on each platform.

Maintaining cross – compatibility

Another challenge is maintaining cross-compatibility of the app across all devices and operating systems. Each new release can pose a new challenge for the app. Therefore, it’s important for developers to stay updated and understand the changes in the operating system in order to update the app in the best possible way.

Step-by-step guide to developing multi-platform mobile applications

Developing mobile applications for multiple platforms may seem like a complicated process, but with the right tools and proper planning, it is possible to create an app that works well on different operating systems. In this topic, we will cover the steps that should be followed:

Choose your multi-platform mobile app development tool

There are several tools available in the market, such as Xamarin, RhoMobile, NativeScript, Kony Mobile Platform, and Monocross. Choose the most suitable platform for your project. It’s important to choose the right platform as this is the most crucial step in developing your app.

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UI/UX Design

Develop the user interface (UI) of your app to meet the needs of different platforms. It’s important for the developer to be familiar with the guidelines and requirements of each platform before starting to build the app. In summary, after getting familiar with the app on each platform, the developer has a deeper understanding and knowledge of how to navigate the platform cores to ensure the app is seamlessly functional for all engines.

Select reliable modules for cross-platform applications

Use modules to assist in application development to handle different platforms and to expose native SDKs. Modules can also provide valuable insights that can be helpful in the process, while reducing the time spent on development for multiple engines.

Dedicated API services for cross-platform mobile applications

When developing applications for different platforms, it’s important for the API service to be tailored to the specific needs of each platform. This can be achieved through dedicated API services that allow developers to independently modify the backend API. This direct approach can work for medium-scale projects or projects where all clients have the same requirements, but it can also result in bottlenecks.

Handle different platforms

Different platforms have specific attributes such as screen sizes, navigation metaphors, keyboards, touches and gestures, push notifications, camera, geolocation and maps, accelerometer, gyroscope and compass, social networks, among others. Therefore, develop the application taking into consideration these specific attributes.

Testing and app store approvals

It’s important to test the application before launching it in the market. Test the application on different OS versions and devices. Once tested, submit the application for approval in app stores. The process can take a few weeks, so it’s important to be patient and follow all the guidelines of app stores, such as Apple’s App Store, Microsoft’s Marketplace, and Google Play.

Tips for developing a cross platform application

Now that you have learned how to develop a cross-platform mobile application, let’s give you some additional tips to refine your mobile development product. Here they are:

Use a cross-platform framework

To create applications for multiple platforms, you can use cross-platform frameworks such as React Native and Flutter. These frameworks allow developers to create a single codebase and use the same business logic across all platforms. Additionally, they provide a set of tools that facilitate development, including custom widgets and third-party libraries. This way, you can save time and resources.

Responsive design

Responsive design is essential to ensure that your application looks good on different screen sizes. When creating an application, it’s important to consider that users may use devices with screens of different sizes and ratios. Responsive design ensures that the application automatically adapts to different screen sizes, providing a user experience that remains consistent across all platforms.

Regular Updates

It’s important to keep your application up to date and release regular updates. This helps ensure that the application is functioning correctly on all platforms and that bug fixes and performance improvements are implemented. Additionally, regular updates also help maintain user satisfaction and increase user loyalty.

Consider User Localization

When developing a mobile application for multiple platforms, it’s important to consider the user’s localization. This includes the user’s language, currency, and cultural preferences. By taking these factors into account, you can personalize the user experience of your app and ensure that the application is tailored to the needs of users in different locations.

Get to know Monitora!

Developing mobile applications for multiple platforms can be a challenge, but by following the tips and best practices above, you can ensure that your application has a proper appearance and performance on all platforms, providing a consistent and high-quality user experience.

Therefore, remember to choose a suitable cross-platform framework and follow our step-by-step guide with the various tips that have been provided. With these strategies in mind, you can create incredible mobile applications for multiple platforms that meet the needs of your users.

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*Text automatically translated from Portuguese to English. 

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