Looking for IT outsoucing? Meet Monitora

Looking for IT outsoucing? Meet Monitora

Are you looking for IT outsourcing for your company? Your search may end here, on this page. Undoubtedly, hiring IT outsourcing companies is a practice that has become increasingly common and your company can’t stay out of this action.

As we know, with the digital transformation and the insertion of several technological resources, companies seek to hire this type of external service to focus on their core business.

In this way, it is possible to transfer the activities related to Information Technology matters to other companies that really understand this subject.

The number of companies is constantly growing and the consumer profile has become more and more demanding, which is why you need to focus on service quality and on the focus of the services and products offered.

Given these factors, it is essential that your company invest in innovations that make your services increasingly better and more efficient. 

In this perspective, IT outsourcing allows experienced technology professionals to bring several benefits to your company.

In today’s article, we answer for you the main doubts about IT outsourcing and information about Monitora’s profile and services.

Read on!

What is IT outsourcing service?

IT outsourcing service is a model in which an organization hires a company specialized in Information Technology to take care of processes related to this sector inside the company.

This way, instead of creating its own IT department, your company can turn to a specialized company to take care of these issues.

The outsourcing of IT services is very flexible and can be inserted in part of your company’s sectors or in part of the processes, depending on the need.

The services offered by the contracted IT team are previously agreed in a contract, and may have the most diverse activities included.

Usually, an outsourced IT usually offers remote support services, project scope, software development, design, system for opening calls, network monitoring, infrastructure, and help desk services.

IT outsourcing after digital transformation 

With the advent of digital transformation and the adoption of technological solutions by companies in all processes, from lead acquisition to post-sales, the number of actions involving technology has increased exponentially.

Undoubtedly, this is one of the most successful strategies in the market for a company to stand out, but for this, you need a strong team taking care of all the IT part.

Many times the IT department has a heavy workload, with internal company issues to solve.

For this reason, many companies have found IT outsourcing as a solution to handle all the processes that have been inserted in the digital transformation scenario.

With market and customer demands, the change in structure and readaptation requires that the IT team hired has a new combination of skills and requirements. 

It is necessary that your outsourcer is increasingly updated on the changes and innovations that exist in this environment, to meet the demands of companies and customers.

Thus, by choosing outsourcing, companies focus on what they know really matters, thus achieving greater agility, reduced costs, and increased productivity. 

IT outsourcing or in-house staff?

By observing the pace of the market and its own competition, it is clear that IT outsourcing has become more common every day, whether in small or medium-sized companies.

However, there are still managers who are afraid to hire outsourced IT companies, even knowing that the functioning of the sector would become less complex and less costly when compared to keeping an internal team.

To give you a broader view of each of these models, we have brought some advantages of outsourcing and in-house staff.

Advantages of IT outsourcing 

Here is a brief summary of the main advantages of having an IT outsourcing service:

Less costly

In the end, IT outsourcing becomes less expensive than the internalization of IT staff, given the investments related to maintaining a company’s own team.

In addition, there is also a lower cost with contract terminations, employee changes, replacement during vacations and absences.

Return on investment

Besides the reduction of costs and concerns with hiring, IT outsourcing presents a return on investment in the long term.

Since a specialized outsourcing company has greater knowledge about the processes, then it is notorious that there is greater productivity and gains of scale. 

Qualified professionals

Outsourcing companies like Monitora value the hiring of well-qualified professionals, who are trained to offer the best services to your company.

Customer satisfaction

Since internal and external demands are better organized and more efficient, your customers benefit from agility to solve their issues, thus offering greater customer satisfaction.

Advantages of internal staffing 

An internal team can also be an advantageous option, because with the internal team it is possible to have greater control of the various activities that are performed in the company.

Even if the organization relies on an internal IT team, there are processes and activities that require the presence of outsourced services to solve more complex issues.

The team has as main advantages: 

Greater control of activities

In this model, the company has greater control over its team and can participate in the execution stages of each job and make direct decisions about each action.

Organizational structure

Internal IT brings a good organizational culture. And with it, it is possible to obtain several benefits for your organization.

Internal team limitations 

The internal team presents some limitations that are easily solved with the presence of an outsourced company.

Among them, the issue of problems with maintenance and updating, situations that consume a lot of the internal team’s time, distracting the team from what really matters: innovation and creativity.

Besides this, in this model there is the disadvantage of high costs, with hiring, termination, understanding of technologies, definition and application of processes, among other things that can bring more costs to the company.

For this reason, it has become increasingly common for organizations to opt for outsourcing so that they can remain focused on their core business and the third party company can take responsibility for the digital transformation.

Why is it important to have an IT outsourcing team?

By choosing the right company to outsource your IT processes, your business can enjoy several benefits that cannot be achieved with an in-house team.

By choosing a company that specializes in information technology, you can have the option of renting infrastructure equipment and the most up-to-date software.

This way, it is possible to promote greater data security, process automation, and reliable backup systems.

All these labor-intensive, operational tasks are part of the responsibility of this outsourcing company.

Your outsourcer evaluates your company’s needs and demands and can then create the best technology plan for your business.

A good plan should be indicated by an IT reference company, so it is of utmost importance to research before hiring. 

Otherwise, something that could offer advantages to your company can bring a lot of headaches.

Therefore, trust only companies that have experience and are specialized in the area, with the presence of reliable employees who can interact with the rest of your team.

This part of communication is often neglected, but it is of paramount importance to have a team that talks well, understands the processes perfectly, and is able to solve the company’s problems and difficulties in the technology sector. 

How does the IT outsourcing service work?

Before hiring an outsourcing company, you need to know that there are different ways to provide these services.

The three main ones are:

Does your company need Digital Transformation?

Face-to-face service

In on-site service, the outsourced IT professional is physically available exclusively for the company, as if they were an internal collaborator.

This way, it is possible to meet the demands in real time, thus offering speed and quality to the company’s most complex problems.

With this efficiency it is possible to ensure the integrity of the entire infrastructure and to carry out continuous maintenance in order to improve the company’s operation. 

Remote service

Remote service is the most common model of outsourced IT companies, being used in small, medium, and large companies.

In this model, costs are usually lower, offering speedy service and problem solving. 

Monitora, for example, has a large team spread all over the world, providing services for Brazilian and foreign companies, always connected, serving clients efficiently and quickly. 

Field service 

The third service model is on-site, a model that arises when the company is unable to solve its problems only with on-site or remote services.

In this modality, the outsourcer makes visits on certain dates and includes physical tasks according to the needs of the contracting company.  

How to choose a good IT outsourcing company for your business?

If you want IT outsourcing to offer a real return investment, it is necessary that your company has well defined its objectives, goals, and needs.

To ensure that you make a good choice and get a return on your investment, here are some points that should be evaluated by you:

Analyze well the company that will provide the service

Research a lot about the third parties, ask all your questions, and make your objectives clear so that you can choose a company that can meet all your demands.

Define your objective with outsourcing

When hiring a service provider, make it clear what you want for your business, your needs, and the demands that the provider must meet, so that the contract is satisfactory and there is no frustration of expectations.

Data security

Choose a third party that you trust and feel safe with, considering that this company will have access to several information from your organization and will make your image with your clients.

Why is it better to hire Monitora to IT outsourcing?

Can you imagine having a company named as one of the best IT companies in Brazil and one of the 10 best IT companies to work for in São Paulo?

This can be a reality for you when you hire Monitora, a totally Brazilian digital solutions company with a great international impact. 

Based in São Carlos-SP, Monitora is part of the ecosystem of one of the largest cradles of technology and innovation in Latin America.

We are spread all over Brazil and the world, involved in national and international projects.

We transform the reality of major brands on their digital journey with the best professionals, who have the opportunity to learn inside and outside Brazil.

We have a team of experts who will help your business and make your company increasingly digital through its methodology, processes and software.

Monitora makes a point of having the best professionals in its team and invests permanently in training and qualification to offer you a specialized and competent team with the best technologies. 

Monitora takes care of the entire process of technology development, requirements engineering, implementation, quality control, deployment and maintenance, so that your company fits into today’s market standards. 

With the support of Monitora’s task force, your demands will be met with much more agility in your products. 

Thus, you can make your product deliveries with quality, without delivery delays and total control of your processes.

Monitora’s differentials in IT outsourcing

We are specialists in providing teams and development process for companies that are and that want to be leaders in their segments.

The investment in digital evolution that you make with Monitora allows you to have results to be always on top!

See here Monitora’s main differentials:

We have a strong team

We maintain a rigorous selection process and hire only the best professionals to work with us. 

We also invest constantly in training our employees and retaining talent. 

We scale very fast

After the contract is signed, it takes us only 15 days to start working on your project.

Our team is perfectly prepared to quickly get a team working on your technology.

We make our customers digitally competitive

Our main goal is to generate business value, so we understand strategic objectives and focus on generating results through IT.

More efficient than an internal team

We tend to be 30% more efficient than a team managed directly by our clients.

Investment transparency

Our clients have real-time visibility of what we are creating and the results we generate.

100% of deliveries done successfully

If we commit to do something, rest assured that it will be done, we work to surprise.

Proprietary development framework

Pursuing excellence required us to create an Agile development framework with appropriate processes, culture and technology.

Entire or hybrid squads

We work with teams 100% assembled and managed by us and with hybrid teams with our specialists working with yours.

What are the IT outsourcing solutions offered by Monitora?

Now that you have seen the main differentials of our company, now see what services we can deliver to your business, with the excellence and quality that only Monitora can offer you:

Customer Experience Teams 

In our customer experience arm, our teams are responsible for transforming strategy, challenges and opportunities into competitive technology.

The services available in this area are:

Service Design and Digital Journey

We guide you through a digital journey to get you there first and lead your market.

Requirements Analysis and Engineering

We understand your digital product needs and transform them into software requirements.


We transform your customers’ usability and experience into something amazing, way ahead of what you see in the market.

Business Process Teams 

Our business process oriented team works in the following segments:

Closed Scope Software Development

We develop your ideal solution within a fixed project completion date and budget, and you can follow the progress closely.

Agile Squads

We provide integrated agile development squads to your team to implement your roadmap and strategy quickly.

Staff Augmentation

Our experts are available to solve specific challenges in your projects.

Agility Consulting

We make your business agile with our know-how, which is totally necessary to help you get where you want to go much faster.

Technology Systems Teams 

Regardless of the complexity, we migrate and maintain your servers in cloud architecture with all the security, reliability and support you need.

We have Cloud and monitoring, maintenance and support systems and Service Desk Level 1 and 2.

Do you want more information about our services or to learn about other issues? Visit our page!

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