Tendências e inovações nos frameworks web populares

Trends and Innovations in Popular Web Frameworks

In contemporary times, the use of technology has become essential in our daily lives, present in all significant moments. In this regard, it is crucial to recognize the relevance of popular web frameworks for programmers.

After all, with these frameworks, it is possible to enhance productivity when executing a new project and automate the construction of code blocks during programming.

Furthermore, building a good website has become essential for the online impact of every company. The digital experience has led to a tremendous growth in online sites.

The number of online sites is increasing daily, and the level of quality is constantly rising, accompanied by fierce competition. Therefore, it is essential for a business to develop a lasting and reliable web structure for its projects.

Hey, do you know which are the most recommended web programming frameworks?

Therefore, in this article, you will discover the best web development frameworks.

Stick with us to learn more through reading!

What are frameworks?

Building an excellent website is an important asset for companies. In this perspective, the means to perform programming for the website must be of high quality.

Thus, frameworks are a programming approach that has a base filled with a collection of generic code components aimed at bringing together two parts of a specific structure in a programming language.

Although there are many frameworks in the market, they generally follow the same logic.

They are a group of tools capable of solving problems and difficulties, known for their speed and high functionality.

In this programming model, a framework usually exists as a library of code, APIs, reference documents, compilers, and other support tools.

In general, a framework is a model for generating a possible technological infrastructure base, with the concept linked to a program.

Moreover, frameworks are also responsible for preventing the development of bugs and errors during software construction.

Some popular frameworks widely used in web development include React, Ruby on Rails, Laravel, and Express.js.

Why use frameworks?

The main reasons for using framework technology are:

Highly scalable and customizable

One very interesting aspect of this tool is that, in addition to being easy to use, it is possible to enhance its capacity to handle more users when scaling your web application.

Among the frameworks, Django has been evaluated as the most scalable, thanks to its extensive development of APIs.

Additionally, Ruby on Rails, Express.js, and Spring are also frameworks that allow for this scalability.

In this way, it is very simple to customize your frameworks. With the help of add-ons, URL mapping, widgets, themes, access procedures, and plugins, developers have greater flexibility to customize the web application in any instance.


The greatest advantage of using framework resources is related to their ability to save time. It is common in web development for coders to save time on various functions.

In this sense, web programmers don’t have to deal with authentication logic, session management, and error handling.

Furthermore, framework programming also handles other functions, such as routing and modeling.

This way, developers save time by not having to manually change various pages of the web application, navigation menus, footer, header, and logo.

In summary, through web development frameworks, coders don’t need to start a project from scratch, which boosts the productivity of the project.

Easy maintenance

The possibility of easy maintenance is a significant advantage of using web development frameworks.

After all, they allow coders to use and organize functionalities according to their ease. A standard coding method is also maintained through framework maintenance, in a very straightforward manner.

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Finally, through this approach, developers won’t encounter difficulties when updating or building web application development structures.


In contemporary times, application security is the major concern for technology companies and development teams. Therefore, you can find various highly secure frameworks.

The best way to ensure the security of your web application is through the security features of web development.

These include resources like email verification, custom authentication, and secure source code, which is another advantage of using frameworks.

Top frameworks

  1. Express JS

Express.js is an open-source server-side development framework. It was launched in 2010 and is based on JavaScript.

This web framework is commonly used for rapid application development and is particularly popular for Node.js.

In recent surveys on the most widely used web frameworks in the market, Express.js ranked third with 23.8% of the votes. It has also gained 56.7k stars and 9.6k forks, making it well-known in the Github community.


Robust Development – If you’re looking for rapid web application development using Node.js, Express.js is the way to go. It provides ready-to-use features that save developers’ time.

Routing and Modeling – This is the core foundation for web application development using a framework. Express.js never disappoints its users in this regard, as it ensures advanced and active routing infrastructure. Through this routing mechanism, you can handle web pages while developers can create dynamic web pages quickly.

Easy to Learn – Most coders already have advanced knowledge of JavaScript, so they don’t need to learn a new language. Express.js is a user-friendly web framework for both companies and startup teams.

  1. Django

Django is an open-source web development framework that emerged in 2005.

It is a free framework based on Python and follows the model-template-view (MTV) design pattern, aiming to create high-quality web applications.

Django is essential for developers and companies looking to build highly secure and high-performance applications.

It serves as a mechanism for both server-side and front-end development of web applications. In terms of server development, it is known as one of the most popular back-end frameworks of 2022.

According to a survey conducted by Statistics and Data, Django secured the second position among the most well-known back-end frameworks of 2022. The survey obtained 61,614 votes, along with 27k forks and 63.3k stars. Django boasts a strong community on Github.


Highly scalable – Django is a framework that allows for extension and is widely used by companies. The busiest and most accessed websites often rely on this framework. It is also a great option for medium-sized projects.

Highly secure – This web development framework provides a strong security scope for data-driven websites, as it helps prevent server vulnerabilities. In addition to user authentication, it also mitigates the chances of clickjacking, scripting, and other forms of forgery.

Documentation – Django is a popular framework among developers due to its excellent documentation. It is easy to find the necessary set of tools in the library through the search features.

  1. Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a reliable back-end structured framework with the model-view-controller (MVC) infrastructure, aimed at creating high-quality web applications.

It is a correct choice for a full-stack framework as it provides support for client-side development activities.

Ruby on Rails, also known as Rails, emerged in 2007 and currently boasts 50.6k stars and 20.3k forks on GitHub.

This web framework is used for building websites using the Ruby language to generate a script. Rails, on the other hand, is a benefit specifically designed for creating social networking sites, online stores, and e-commerce platforms.


Scaffolding – It is a mechanism used for developing views, models, and controllers. The scaffolding also instructs the database on how to perform operations. Developers are able to automatically generate code using this Rails feature.

Testing tools – This is every programmer’s dream, being able to use simple testing tools to inspect all functions of their application. It is straightforward to make use of these tools.

Localization – It is a web structuring feature that allows companies to use code created for large projects or applications.

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*Text automatically translated from Portuguese to English. 

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