Strategies to optimize software development in your company

Strategies to optimize software development in your company

There’s no way to talk about software development without mentioning the technological revolution that has impacted all sectors of life in society. With the massive influx of technological devices in everyday life, it becomes imperative for all companies to adapt to digital channels.

With data-driven decisions, businesses can be more profitable by reducing operational costs, automating repetitive tasks, and meeting the specific needs of each sector of the economy.

Thus, there is increasing talk of software development as a means to digitize companies. And to help you optimize software development in your company, we, at Monitora, have prepared exclusive content. Keep reading!

What is software development?

When we talk about software development, it’s important to understand that this activity consists of a set of tasks aimed at the process of creation, design, implementation, and support of software to obtain a product that can be used in the end.

Therefore, software development is a complex activity that encompasses different stages and distinct competencies to address a specific problem, which is usually associated with websites, applications, or computers.

Software, in turn, consists of a set of commands or programs that have the power to tell the computer – or any machine – what to do. They can be system software, programming software, or applications.

Another type of software is embedded software, used for devices that are not considered computers, such as robots or other embedded systems, like telecommunications networks.

Why is software development important for your company?

Those who want to achieve greater profitability and stand out from the competition must adopt an attitude of understanding where the customer is and how to reach that audience.

Today, with the advancement of technology and increasing access to the internet and electronic devices, a company that sells solutions to solve customers’ problems must know where they are. And especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, this consumer is increasingly present in digital channels.

Thus, software development takes a prominent position and should be a priority for those who intend not only to scale the business but also to protect against threats and increase productivity. Below, see the reasons to carry out software development in your company.


Software for your company can provide greater flexibility, especially when you want to include specific features. Similarly, maintenance and modification become easier because they only need to meet your needs.

Improving the customer journey

The customer experience contributes to reducing dropout rates, increasing conversion rates, and creating customers who are true advocates for your brand.

For this reason, it is important that their online experience with your company is positive, enjoyable, and simplified. With specialized software, the developer can reduce the number of steps to find information and enhance the experience.

Custom process to meet your demands

Coupled with flexibility, software development for your company is a solution that perfectly fits your demands and requirements. Unlike the options available in the market, custom software is created to address specific problems in your business.

Advantage over the competition and bottleneck elimination

Companies that fail to adapt to technological transformations can eventually lose market share, as happened with Nokia and Kodak.

In this way, custom software can make your business more efficient and innovative, with the power to stand out in digital channels.

On the other hand, effective process management positively impacts the company’s supply chain and helps eliminate bottlenecks that can harm business and increase customer dissatisfaction.

Reduction of guesswork in decision-making

Human errors can occur when business operations are conducted manually. With software, decisions can be data-driven, eliminating subjective opinions unsupported by the reality of the business.

Integration with external software

Integration with third-party software is easier when you develop a system compatible with the solution offered by the business.

This is because acquiring different software for integration with your system can be costly and lack coherence for customers who use your product across various channels such as websites and apps.

Multiplataform software

Choosing a digital solutions company for developing software for your business also offers the advantage of creating access through different channels, known as multiplatform tools. This allows your website or app to run on different platforms.

Advantages of software development for businesses

Specific software development for your company provides a competitive edge. It is tailored precisely to your business and its needs, fostering innovation through technology.

Additionally, there are other advantages associated with software development for your company:

Does your company need Digital Transformation?

Productivity monitoring

Software development in your company enables monitoring the progress of each stage of a project through reports that provide metrics for strategic use.

Cost reduction

Automating repetitive tasks, such as data importing, can reduce costs and free up employees’ time for more important tasks.

This means that systems do not need to be used daily and/or data does not have to be entered manually, positively impacting overall productivity.

Protection against threats

Off-the-shelf software, which is used by multiple companies, is an easy target for cybercriminals. Therefore, using software specifically tailored to your business reduces the chances of external attacks and increases market trust in your company.

Improved corporate communication

Creating internal chats for company integration and activity management systems allows for greater employee involvement in a particular project, reducing communication failures with other team members.

Opportunity for planned business scalability

For those looking to scale their business and achieve profitability, software development is essential. This is because, during the discussions to identify your needs, future plans should also be included.

Thus, when designing the software architecture, the developer takes into account your business goals throughout the entire journey, increasing your competitiveness in the market.

Steps to optimize software development

Now that you understand the importance and advantages of software development for your company, it’s time to learn about the stages involved and what to expect from each of them.

Economic viability analysis

Considered one of the most important stages, the economic viability analysis examines whether the intended software is feasible, compatible with all platforms where your business is present, and the cost and time required for software development.

Usually, not all companies have an IT team available solely for software development.

At this point, considering alternatives such as digital solutions companies that focus exclusively on your business can be interesting.

Methodology selection

Next, you should choose an agile methodology to analyze the software development stages, establishing different frameworks such as DevOps, Rapid Application Development (RAD), among others.

Requirements gathering and analysis

In this stage, the needs of clients and other stakeholders are mapped, including specific requirements requested by the business manager.

Once the requirements are gathered, the technology team is responsible for analyzing the software’s feasibility to identify any errors or incomplete data.

Project development

The project development phase is the most complex and requires complete attention and dedication from the technology team. At this point, it’s time to choose the software architecture, build the model for validation, prototyping, and design simulation, as well as develop the software code.

Testing Phase

Considered one of the most important stages of software development projects, the testing phase guides the verification of the new product through different scenarios, aiming to reduce the occurrence of bugs after implementation in the market.

Implementation and Data Migration

After testing and managing the software, it’s time to implement the new solution for the client. This phase can occur in stages, allowing for the possible discovery of flaws over time.

Additionally, it’s the moment to migrate the existing data to the new software.

How to leverage digital transformation for my business?

The digital transformation of your business can happen in partnership with specialized professionals in software development, who are best suited to choose the optimal methodology, software architecture, and programming language for the software code to be created.

Monitora, a Brazilian company focused on digital solutions, delivers results with up to 30% more efficiency compared to internal technology teams by adopting agile methods through trained squads to incorporate new solutions.

To talk to one of our experts and add IT tools to your company, visit our website.

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*Text automatically translated from Portuguese to English. 

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